Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Life in the Sun

I sat in the sun for most of today. I guess it was pretty fun. Tom didn't go to school today, something about istep testing being for little people and dumb people only. In stead he stayed home with me and looked at books. Then he went out with his friends, so I just sat around and was bored.

I kind of miss Monkia right now. Everyone is always doing something here, so they don't always have time for me. Still, Mom made me some food, I got walked around the lake twice, and I got played with five times or so. Wow, I guess I'm kind of a handful.

Oh, something else happened today. Mom tried to put some stuff in my eyes, but I really didn't like that. She grabbed me and tried to make me look up, but I showed her! I bit her... several different times. Ha, She deserved it.

Other than that, my life was just like it usually was. I sat in the sun, I sat on the couch, and I whined until I got food. Life is good.

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