Friday, September 28, 2007

Dog Food

Yesterday Monika came home really late, and both Kitty and I really wanted to play. We both were playing with the dog food and chasing it around the house. Now the entire living room floor is covered in dog food. It is such a mess!

This morning Monika woke up late, so instead of going to her first class, she took me for a really long walk. I'm getting really good at walking without my leash, and I always listen to Monika.

After going to her last two classes, Monika came home and took Kitty and me outside to play. It was such a gorgeous day! Kitty climbed up all of the trees, and ran all over the place. I found another cat outside and chased him into a water pipe. It was so much fun. Every time he tried to come out of the pipe I would run over and bark at him. Monika thought this was really mean, so she tied me up to the bench so that I wouldn't chase the cat anymore.

After the cat got out of the pipe, Monika let me run around with Kitty again. We stayed outside for an hour while Monika graded papers. It was awesome. When Jennifer came home she took me for a walk again. Now we are ordering pizza for dinner.

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