Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I Got A Hair Cut

Yesterday I went to my friendly groomer. She made me cute. Not that I'm not cute with long hair, but with short hair I'm even cuter.

Somehow having shorter hair gives me more energy. I felt like running, jumping, barking, I chased my treat around the room, I kept tossing it in the air and running after it, all the time wagging my tail like crazy and screaming at the top of my lungs. This was so much fun!

But that wasn't enough for me. Dad and I went for a very long walk today, we walked around our lake, then around the golf course in the other neighborhood, then finished walking around around our lake. I was so tired afterwards, I just drank some water and went to sleep.

But then Mom woke me up saying she needed to take some pictures of me for Monika. Well, although I felt a little groggy (see the pictures) , I was happy to oblige. If that was for somebody else I probably would have gone on sleeping, but for Monika - anything!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mikus jest elegancki i bardzo fotogeniczny!Chcielibysmy miec go u siebie.Poglaskanie dla pieska, dziadkowie.